ACC treatment
Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) offers payment for treatment for those who have suffered dental injuries from accidents. Dr. Janice Sommerville will suggest which orthodontic treatment is required to realign the teeth and assist with applying to ACC to determine if ACC cover can be obtained.
The patient must be seen initially by a General Dentist to obtain an ACC number, and the decision regarding cover is made by a consultant to ACC after reviewing the clinical records.

Dr. Janice Sommerville
can help you find out if ACC
cover for your treatment may be available
The diagnosis
Your orthodontist will assess the extent of your dental injuries and if orthodontic treatment could assist in repositioning the teeth back to their original positions. Full orthodontic records are taken and a comprehensive treatment plan presented.
The treatment process
The orthodontic treatment plan and claim form are forwarded to ACC who assess if the injury can be covered (in full, in part or not at all). If approved (this may take some time!), treatment can commence. Dental injuries often require input from several dental specialties and a combined approach.
The risks
The risks associated with ACC treatment are similar to those of conventional orthodontic treatments however traumatised teeth which have been moved in an accident may become ankylosed ('stuck' ) to the bone and are then unable to be moved. Teeth which have suffered trauma often become non-vital (no blood supply) and require endodontic treatment (root canal sealed) by an endodontist or dentist.
Book a consultation
Contact us if you have experienced dental trauma and may be eligible for ACC cover to realign your teeth
Traumatised teeth which have been moved out of position have the best chance of successful repositioning if they are moved back as soon as possible after the accident.
Book a Consultation